Demographics of Mexico

Demography of Mexico
Population 112,336,538[1]
Male population 54,855,231
Female population 57,481,307
Population growth 1.82%
Birth rate 19/1,000
Mortality rate 4.9/1,000
Infant mortality rate 18.1/1,000
Life expectancy 75.6 years
Population speaking indigenous languages 6,011,202
Nationality Mexican
Demographic bureaus INEGI, CONAPO and CDI

With a population 112,336,538 in 2010,[2] Mexico is the most populous Spanish-speaking country in the world, the second-most populous country in Latin America after Portuguese-speaking Brazil, and the second in North America, after the United States. Throughout most of the twentieth century Mexico's population was characterized by rapid growth. Even though this tendency has been reverted and average annual population growth over the last five years was less than 1%, the demographic transition is still in progress, and Mexico still has a large cohort of youths. The most populous city in the country is the capital city, Mexico City, with a population of 8.7 million (2005), and its metropolitan area is also the most populous in the country with 19.2 million (2005). Approximately 50% of the population lives in one of the 55 large metropolitan areas in the country.

The Census Bureau in Mexico is the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI). The National Population Council (CONAPO), is an institution under the Secretary of the Interior in charge of the analysis and research of population dynamics. The National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (CDI), amongst other things, undertakes research and analysis of the sociodemographic and linguistic indicators of the indigenous peoples in Mexico.


Demographic dynamics

In 1900, the Mexican population was 13.6 million.[3] During the period of economic prosperity that was dubbed by economists as the "Mexican Miracle", the Mexican government invested in efficient social programs that reduced infant mortality rate and increased life expectancy which jointly led to an intense demographic increase between 1930 and 1980. The population's annual growth rate has been reduced from a 3.5% peak, in 1965 to 0.99% in 2005. While Mexico is now transitioning to the third phase of demographic transition, close to 50% of the population in 2009 was 25 and younger.[4] Fertility rates have also decreased from 5.7 children per woman in 1976 to 2.2 in 2006.[5] The average annual population growth rate of the capital, the Federal District, was the first in the country at 0.2%. The state with the lowest population growth rate over the same period was Michoacán (-0.1%), whereas the states with the highest population growth rates were Quintana Roo (4.7%) and Baja California Sur (3.4%),[6] both of which are two of the least populous states and the last to be admitted to the Union in the 1970s. The average annual net migration rate of the Federal District over the same period was negative and the lowest of all political divisions of Mexico, whereas the states with the highest net migration rate were Quintana Roo (2.7), Baja California (1.8) and Baja California Sur (1.6).[7] While the national annual growth rate is still positive (1.0%), the national net migration rate is negative (-4.75/1000 inhabitants), given the intense flow of immigrants to the United States; an estimated 5.3 million undocumented Mexicans lived in the United States in 2004[8] and 18.2 million American citizens in the 2000 Census declared having Mexican ancestry.[9] Mexico itself constitutes the second country of total number of immigrants to the United States from 1830 to 2000, after Germany.

The Mexican government projects [10] that the Mexican population will grow to about 123 million by 2042 and then start declining slowly. Assumptions include fertility stabilizing at 1.85 children per woman and continued high net emigration (gently decreasing from 583,000 in 2005 to 393,000 in 2050).

The states and the Federal District that conform the Mexican federation are collectively called "federal entities". The five most populous federal entities in 2005 were the State of Mexico (14.4 million), the Federal District (8.7 million), Veracruz (7.1 million), Jalisco (6.7 million) and Puebla (5.4 million) which collectively contain 40.7% of the national population. Mexico City, being coextensive with the Federal District, is the most populous city in the country, whereas Greater Mexico City, that includes the adjacent municipalities that conform a metropolitan area, is estimated to be the second most popular in the world, by the UN Urbanization Report.

Intense population growth in the Northern states, especially in the US-Mexican border, changed the country's demographic profile in the second half of the 20th century since the 1967 US-Mexico maquiladora agreement through which all products manufactured in the border cities could be imported duty-free to the US. Since NAFTA, however, in which all products are allowed to be imported duty free regardless of their origin within Mexico, non-border maquiladora share of exports has increased while that of border cities has decreased,[11] allowing for the growth of middle-size cities in different regions in Mexico. This has also led to decentralization and growth of other metropolitan areas that conform regional centers of economic growth, like Monterrey, Guadalajara, Puebla, San Luis Potosí, León and Torreón.

International migration

Immigration to Mexico

Aside from the original Spanish colonists, many Europeans immigrated to Mexico in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Non-Spanish immigrant groups included British, Irish, Italian, German, French and Dutch.[12] Large numbers of Middle Eastern immigrants arrived in Mexico during the same period, mostly from Syria and Lebanon.[13] Asian immigrants, mostly Chinese via the United States settled in northern Mexico, whereas Koreans settled in central Mexico.[14]

During the 1970s and 1980s Mexico opened its doors to immigrants from Latin America, mainly political refugees from Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Peru, Brazil, Colombia and Central America. The PRI governments in power for most of the 20th century had a policy of granting asylum to fellow Latin Americans fleeing political persecution in their home countries. A second wave of immigrants has come to Mexico as a result of the economic crises experienced by some countries in the region. The Argentine community is quite significant estimated to be somewhere between 11,000 and 30,000.[15][16]

Mexico is also the country where the largest number of American citizens live abroad, with Mexico City playing host to the largest number of American citizens abroad in the world. The American Citizens Abroad Association estimated in 1999 that a little more than one million Americans live in Mexico (which represent 1% of the population in Mexico and 25% of all American citizens living abroad).[17] This immigration phenomenon could well be explained by the interaction of both countries under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), but also by the fact that Mexico has become a popular destination for retirees, especially the small towns: just in the State of Guanajuato, in San Miguel de Allende and its environs, 200,000 Americans have their residence.[18]

Discrepancies between the figures of official legal aliens and all foreign-born residents is quite large. The official figure for foreign-born residents in Mexico in 2000 was 493,000,[19] with a majority (86.9%) of these born in the United States (except Chiapas, where the majority of immigrants are from Central America). The six states with the most immigrants are Baja California (12.1% of total immigrants), Mexico City (the Federal District; 11.4%), Jalisco (9.9%), Chihuahua (9%) and Tamaulipas (7.3%).[19]

Emigration from Mexico

The national net migration rate in Mexico is negative, estimated at -4.32 migrant per 1,000 population. The great majority of Mexican emigrants have moved to the United States of America. This migration phenomenon is not new, but has been a defining feature in the relationship of both countries for most of the twentieth century.[20] Since World Wars I and II, the United States government approved the recruitment of Mexican workers in their territory, and tolerated unauthorized migration to obtain additional farm and industrial workers to fill the necessary spots vacated by the population in war, and to supply the increase in the demand for labor. Nonetheless, the United States, unilaterally ended the program as a result of civil rights groups.[20] In spite of that, emigration of Mexicans continued throughout the rest of the century at varying degrees, but it grew significantly during the 1990s and has continued to do so in the first years of the 2000s. In fact, it has been estimated that 37% of all Mexican immigrants to the United States in the 20th century arrived during the 1990s.[20] In 2000 approximately 20 million American residents identified themselves as either Mexican, Mexican-Americans or of Mexican origin, making it the sixth most cited ancestry of all US residents.[21]

INEGI estimated in 2000 that about 8 million Mexican-born individuals live in the United States of America; that is 8.7% of total Mexican population.[22] In that same year, the states with the greatest number emigrants to the United States were Jalisco (170,793), Michoacán (165,502) and Guanajuato (163,338), with the total number of emigrants being 1,569,157 the great majority of which were men.[23] Approximately 30% of emigrants come from rural communities.[24] That same year, 260,650 emigrants returned to Mexico.[25]

Growing interdependence of both countries, the emigration of Mexicans to the United States has slowed. While some argue that this is due to economic disparities between rural and urban, rich and poor populations, others suggest that the migration phenomenon is simply moving in inertia, as Mexican residents in the United States are now bringing their families who had stayed in Mexico. Most Mexican families will return to Mexico that have been in the United States. One study showed they desire to live in their homeland and culture and it is the goal of Mexicans to return to the mother land of their fathers, as they refer to Mexico.

After the Mexican American community, it is thought that the Mexican British community is the second largest Mexican diaspora with between 80,000 and 100,000 members, Mexican Canadians number around 40,000, Mexican in Spain number a similar amount and an unknown, but thought to be large number of Mexicans live in the Philippines. Mexicans live throughout Latin America, but also in Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and United Arab Emirates.

Emigration list from Mexico[26]
Mexican residents in the world by countries
Country Population Position Continent
 United States 9,900,000[27] 1 North America
 Canada 36,225[28] 2 North America
 Spain 14,399[29] 3 Europe
 Guatemala 11,481[30] 4 North America
 Bolivia 9,377[31] 5 South America
 Germany 8,848[32] 6 Europe
 Argentina 6,750[33] 7 South America
 United Kingdom 5,125[34] 8 Europe
 France 4,601[35] 9 Europe
 Israel 4,252[36] 10 Asia
 Italy 3,485[37] 11 Europe
 Venezuela 3,075[38] 12 South America
 Belize 2,349[39] 13 North America
 Costa Rica 2,327[40] 14 North America
 Panama 2,299[41] 15 North America
 Colombia 2,286[42] 16 South America
 Sweden 1,977[43] 17 Europe
 Chile 1,874[44] 18 South America
 Paraguay 1,778[45] 19 South America
 Japan 1,412[46] 20 Asia
Also there are temporal residents by 1–3 years

Cities and metropolitan areas

Settlements, cities and municipalities

Most populated municipalities
Municipality of Guadalajara
Municipality Pop. (2005)
Ecatepec de Morelos 1,688,258
Guadalajara 1,600,940
Puebla 1,485,941
Tijuana 1,410,700
León 1.325.210
Juárez 1,313,338

In 2005 Mexico had 187,938 localidades (lit. "localities" or "settlements"), which are census-designated places, which could be defined as a small town, a large city, or simply as a single unit housing in a rural area whether situated remotely or even close to an urban area. A city is defined to be a settlement with more than 2,500 inhabitants. In 2005 there were 2,640 cities with a population between 2,500 and 15,000 inhabitants, 427 with a population between 15,000 and 100,000 inhabitants, 112 with a population between 100,000 and one million, and 11 with a population of more than one million.[47] All cities are considered "urban areas" and represent 76.5% of total population. Settlements with less than 2,500 inhabitants are considered "rural communities" (in fact, more than 80,000 of those settlements have only one or two housing units). Rural population in Mexico is 22.2% of total population.[47]

Municipalities (municipios in Spanish) and boroughs (delegaciones in Spanish) are incorporated places in Mexico, that is, second or third-level political divisions with internal autonomy, legally prescribed limits, powers and functions. In terms of second-level political divisions there are 2,438 municipalities and Mexico and 16 semi-autonomous boroughs (all within the Federal District). A municipality can be constituted by one or more cities one of which is the cabecera municipal (municipal seat). Cities are usually contained within the limits of a single municipality, with a few exceptions in which small areas of one city may extend to other adjacent municipalities without incorporating the city which serves as the municipal seat of the adjacent municipality. Some municipalities or cities within municipalities are further divided into delegaciones or boroughs. However, unlike the boroughs of the Federal District, these are third-level administrative divisions; they have very limited autonomy and no elective representatives.

Municipalities in central Mexico are usually very small in area and thus coextensive with cities (as is the case of Guadalajara, Puebla and León), whereas municipalities in northern and southeastern Mexico are much larger and usually contain more than one city or town that may not necessarily conform a single urban agglomeration (as is the case of Tijuana).

Metropolitan areas

Metropolitan areas of Mexico
Greater Mexico City
Metro area Pop. (2005)
Greater Mexico City 19.231.829
Greater Guadalajara 4.095.853
Greater Monterrey 3.664.331
Greater Puebla 2.109.049
Greater Toluca 1.610.786
Tijuana 1.410.700
León 1.325.210
Ciudad Juárez 1.313.338
Comarca Lagunera 1.210.890
Greater San Luis Potosí 1.075.000

A metropolitan area in Mexico is defined to be the group of municipalities that heavily interact with each other, usually around a core city.[48] In 2004, a joint effort between CONAPO, INEGI and the Ministry of Social Development (SEDESOL) agreed to define metropolitan areas as either:[48]

In 2004 there were 55 metropolitan areas in Mexico, in which close to 53% of the country's population lives. The most populous metropolitan area in Mexico is the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico, or Greater Mexico City, which in 2005 had a population of 19.23 million, or 19% of the nation's population. The next four largest metropolitan areas in Mexico are Greater Guadalajara (4.1 million), Greater Monterrey (3.7 million), Greater Puebla (2.1 million) and Greater Toluca (1.6 million),[49] whose added population, along with Greater Mexico City, is equivalent to 30% of the nation's population. Greater Mexico City was the fastest growing metropolitan area in the country since the 1930s until the late 1980s. Since then, the country has slowly become economically and demographically less centralized. From 2000 to 2005 the average annual growth rate of Greater Mexico City was the lowest of the five largest metropolitan areas, whereas the fastest growing metropolitan area was Puebla (2.0%) followed by Monterrey (1.9%), Toluca (1.8%) and Guadalajara (1.8%).[49]


Religion affiliation
Cathedral in Puebla
Religion Pop. professing
Catholics 74,612,373
Protestant and Evangelical

Historic [denominations]
Luz del Mundo



Other Biblical

Jehovah's Witnesses



Judaism 45,260
No Religion 2,982,929
Not specified 732,630

The Mexican population is predominantly Catholic (in the 2010 census, 83.9% of the population 5 and older identified themselves as Catholic),[50] even though a much smaller percent (46%) attends church on a weekly basis.[51] About 5.2% of the population was classified as Protestant or Evangelic, 2.1% were classified as "Non-Evangelical Biblical" (a classification that groups Adventists, Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses), 0.05% as practicing Jews, and 2.5% without a religion.[52] The largest group of Protestants are Pentecostals and Charismatics (classified as Neo-Pentecostals).

The states with the greatest percentage or professing Catholics are central states, namely Guanajuato (96.4%), Aguascalientes (95.6%) and Jalisco (95.4%), whereas southeastern states have the least percentage of Catholics, namely Chiapas (63.8%), Tabasco (70.4%) and Campeche (71.3%).[52] The percentage of professing Catholics has been decreasing over the last four decades, from over 98% in 1950 to 87.9% in 2000. Average annual growth of Catholic believers from 1990–2000 was 1.7% whereas that of Non-Catholics was 3.7%.[53] Given that average annual population increase over the same time period was 1.8%,[54] the percentage of Catholics with respect to total population is still decreasing.

Unlike some other countries in Latin America or Ibero-America, the 1857 Mexican Constitution drastically separated Church and State. The State does not support or provide any economic resource for the Church (as is the case in Spain and Argentina),[55] and the Church cannot participate in public education (no public school can be operated by a Catholic order, even though they can participate in private education). Moreover, the government nationalized all the Church's properties (some of which were given back in the 1990s), and priests lost the right to vote or to be voted for (in the 1990s they were given back the right to vote).


The most important and de facto official language in Mexico is Spanish. Mexican Spanish is spoken in a variety of dialects, accents and variations in different regions.

The Law of Linguistic Rights, published in 2001, declared the 62 indigenous languages spoken in Mexico as "national languages" with the "same validity" in all territories and contexts where they are spoken. The indigenous language with the greatest number of speakers is Nahuatl (1.5% of the nation's population), followed by Yucatec Maya (0.8%) spoken Yucatán Peninsula. In Mexico City and other major cities after half a century of rural-to-urban migration, large districts and sections have Amerindian languages written and heard.

During the first half of the 20th century the government promoted a policy of castellanización, that is, promoting the use of Spanish as a way to integrate indigenous peoples into the Mexican society. Later, this policy changed, and since the 1980s the government sponsors bilingual and intercultural education in all indigenous communities. This policy has mainly been successful in large communities with a significant amount of speakers; while some languages, with less than 1,000 speakers, are still facing extinction.

The second most spoken language in Mexico, however, is English used extensively at the border areas, tourist centers and large metropolitan areas, a phenomenon arguably caused by the economic integration of North American under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the immigration phenomenon and the return of workers and their families form the United States. In border cities, American TV and radio waves in English (and Spanish) are received as much Spanish-speaking radio and TV stations from Mexico on the US side of the border, thus a bilingual cross-cultural exchange is at work.

Among the languages brought by immigrants are the Venetian of Chipilo, and Mennonite Low German spoken in Durango and Chihuahua. Other languages spoken in Mexico include French, German, Russian, Arabic, Occitan, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Asturian, Chinese, Hebrew, Korean, Ladino, Plautdietsch, Armenian, Italian, etc. Even though some of these may have a greater number of speakers than the national languages, they are not recognized by the government.

Ethnic groups

Mexico is ethnically diverse. The second article of the Mexican Constitution defines the country to be a pluricultural nation - Indigenous, Mestizo, European - originally founded upon the indigenous peoples.


The large majority of Mexicans can be classified as "Mestizos", meaning in modern Mexican usage that they identify fully neither with any indigenous culture nor with a particular non-Mexican heritage, but rather identify as having cultural traits and heritage incorporating elements from indigenous and European traditions. By the deliberate efforts of post-revolutionary governments the "Mestizo identity" was constructed as the base of the modern Mexican national identity, through a process of cultural synthesis referred to as mestizaje. Mexican politicians and reformers such as José Vasconcelos and Manuel Gamio were instrumental in building a Mexican national identity on the concept of mestizaje.[56][57] Cultural policies in early post-revolutionary Mexico were paternalistic towards the indigenous people, with efforts designed to "help" indigenous peoples achieve the same level of progress as the rest of society, eventually assimilating indigenous peoples completely to Mestizo Mexican culture, working toward the goal of eventually solving the "Indian problem" by transforming indigenous communities into mestizo communities.[58]

The term "Mestizo" is not in wide use in Mexican society today and has been dropped as a category in population censuses; it is, however, still used in social and cultural studies when referring to the non-indigenous part of the Mexican population. The word has somewhat pejorative connotations and most of the Mexican citizens who would be defined as mestizos in the sociological literature would probably self-identify primarily as Mexicans. In the Yucatán peninsula the word Mestizo is even used about Maya-speaking populations living in traditional communities, because during the caste war of the late 19th century those Maya who did not join the rebellion were classified as mestizos.[59] In Chiapas the word "Ladino" is used instead of mestizo.[60]

Indigenous peoples

Largest indigenous peoples
Mayas in Chiapas
Group Number
Nahua peoples (Nawatlaka) 2,445,969
Maya (Maaya) 1,475,575
Zapotec (Binizaa) 777,253
Mixtec (Ñuu sávi) 726,601
Otomí (Hñähñü) 646,875
Totonac (Tachihuiin) 411,266
Source: CDI (2000) [5]

Prior to contact with Europeans the indigenous peoples of Mexico had not had any kind of shared identity.[61] Indigenous identity was constructed by the dominant Euro-Mestizo majority and imposed upon the indigenous people as a negatively defined identity, characterized by the lack of assimilation into modern Mexico. Indian identity therefore became socially stigmatizing.[62] Cultural policies in early post-revolutionary Mexico were paternalistic towards the indigenous people, with efforts designed to "help" indigenous peoples achieve the same level of progress as the rest of society, eventually assimilating indigenous peoples completely to Mestizo Mexican culture, working toward the goal of eventually solving the "indian problem" by transforming indigenous communities into mestizo communities .[63]

The category of "indígena" (indigenous) can be defined narrowly according to linguistic criteria including only persons that speak one of Mexico's 62 indigenous languages, this is the categorization used by the National Mexican Institute of Statistics. It can also be defined broadly to include all persons who selfidentify as having an indigenous cultural background, whether or not they speak the language of the indigenous group they identify with. This means that the percentage of the Mexican population defined as "indigenous" varies according to the definition applied, cultural activists have referred to the usage of the narrow definition of the term for census purposes as "statistical genocide".[64][65]

The constitution not only recognizes the 62 indigenous peoples living in Mexican territory but also grants them autonomy and protects their culture and languages. This protection and autonomy is extended to those Amerindian ethnic groups which have migrated from the United States —like the Cherokees and Kickapoos— and Guatemala during the 19th and 20th centuries. Municipalities in which indigenous peoples are located can keep their normative traditional systems in relation to the election of their municipal authorities. This system is known as Usos y Costumbres, roughly translated as "customs and traditions".

According to official statistics —as reported by the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples or CDI— Amerindians make up 10-14%[66] of the country's population, even though only a little more than half of them (5.4% of total population) still speak an indigenous language and a tenth (1.2% of total population) do not speak Spanish.[67] Official statistics of the CDI[68] report that the states with the greatest percentage of Amerindian population or individuals of Amerindian origin are Yucatán (59%), Oaxaca (48%), Quintana Roo (39%), Chiapas (28%), Campeche (27%), Hidalgo (24%), Puebla (19%), Guerrero (17%), San Luis Potosí (15%) and Veracruz (15%). Oaxaca is the state with the greatest number of distinct indigenous peoples and languages in the country.

Other ethnic groups

Other groups of immigrants include Arabs of Lebanese and Syrian origin[13] present in significant numbers in Puebla and Yucatán, as well as Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, and Koreans.[14] The largest concentrations of East Asians are in Baja California with a large Chinatown in Mexicali known as La Chinesca on the US-Mexican border. There are various others unmentioned here.


Neither the INEGI nor the CONAPO classify the population according to race. Most of these are the descendants of the Spanish colonial population called criollo. However, other immigrants arrived during the Second Mexican Empire (mostly French) and during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, mostly from Italy, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Germany.[12][69] White Americans, Croats, Armenians, Greeks, Germans, Polish, Romanians, Russians and Ashkenazi Jews,[69] along with many Spanish refugees fleeing the Spanish Civil War of 1937 who also immigrated seeking asylum or better economic prospects.[70] The European Jewish immigrants joined the Sephardic community that lived in Mexico since colonial times, though many lived as Crypto-Jews, mostly in the northern states of Nuevo León and Tamaulipas.[71] Some communities of European immigrants have remained isolated from the rest of the general population since their arrival, amongst them the Dutch Mennonites of Chihuahua and Durango,[72] the Venetos of Chipilo, Puebla, which have retained their original languages.[73]

Genetic research

A study presented by the American Society of Human Genetics has showed (based on genes) that, on average, Mestizo Mexicans are (genetically) 58.96% European, 35.05% "Asian" (Amerindian), and 05.03% African. Sonora shows the highest European contribution (70.63%) and Guerrero the lowest (51.98%) where we also observe the highest Asian contribution (37.17%). African contribution ranges from 2.8% in Sonora to 11.13% in Veracruz. 80% of the Mexican population was classed as mestizo (meaning being racially mixed in some degree).[74]

Another study however, performed by the National Institute of Genetic Medicine (INMEGEN) in Mexico and supported by the government in the country showed that the Mestizo population in Mexico were on average 55% of indigenous ancestry followed by 41.8 % of European, 1.8% of African, and 1.2% of East Asian ancestry. The sample size used for this research involved 300 Mestizos who were picked from the states of Guerrero, Sonora, Veracruz, Yucatán, Zacatecas, and Guanajuato. Whereas Mestizo individuals from the state of Guerrero showed on average 66% of indigenous ancestry, those from the state of Sonora displayed about 61.6% European ancestry. There was a clear increase in indigenous ancestry as one traveled towards the Southern states in Mexico, while the indigenous ancestry declined as one traveled to the Northern states in the country, such as Sonora. The name of this paper was titled "Analysis of genomic diversity in Mexican Mestizo populations to develop genomic medicine in Mexico" by researchers such as Irma Silva-Zolezzi1 and others.[75]

Mexican nationality and citizenship

The Constitution of Mexico grants Mexican nationality based on birth and naturalization. Mexican laws regarding nationality by birth are very open. Mexican nationality by birth is granted to:[76]

Mexican nationality by naturalization is granted to:[76]

See also

References and notes

  1. ^ CONAPO. [ Proyecciones de la Población de México, de las entidades federativas, de los municipios y de las localidades 2005–2050
  2. ^
  3. ^ From Mexican Migration Policies
  4. ^ Población total por grupos quinquenales de edad según sexo, 1950 a 2005
  5. ^ Tasa global de fecundidad, 1976 a 2006
  6. ^ Tasa de crecimiento media anual de la población por entidad federativa, 1990 a 2005
  7. ^ Tasas de inmigración, emigración y migración neta por entidad federativa, 1995-2000
  8. ^ Mexican Immigration to the US: The Latest Estimates
  9. ^ Census Bureau Summary File 3
  10. ^ Proyecciones de la Población de México 2005-2050
  11. ^ Hufbauer GC and Schott, JJ, NAFTA Revisited, Institute for International Economics, Washington, D.C. 2005
  12. ^ a b Asociaciones de Inmigrantes Extranjeros en la Ciudad de México. Una Mirada a Fines del Siglo XX
  13. ^ a b Los árabes de México. Asimilación y herencia cultural
  14. ^ a b Conmemoran 100 años de inmigración coreana
  15. ^ Migrantes, votos, remesas
  16. ^ Argentinos en México
  17. ^ American Citizens Abroad
  18. ^ Retiring Americans, Go south, old man by The Economist
  19. ^ a b Población nacida en otro país residente en México por entidad federativa según sexo, 2000
  20. ^ a b c Mexico-US Migration in Nafta Revisited by the International Institute of Economics.
  21. ^ The Hispanic Population in the United States
  22. ^ Indicadores seleccionados de la población nacida en México residente en Estados Unidos de América, 1970 a 2000.
  23. ^ Población emigrante a Estados Unidos de América por entidad federativa según sexo, 2000.
  24. ^ Distribución porcentual de la población emigrante a Estados Unidos de América por tamaño de la localidad de residencia para cada sexo, 1990 a 1995 y 1995 a 2000.
  25. ^ Población migrante de retorno de Estados Unidos de América por entidad federativa según sexo, 2000
  26. ^ Mexicans in the World (Spanish Wikipedia)
  27. ^; Mexicanos en Estados Unidos
  28. ^; Mexicanos en Canadá Censo de 2001
  29. ^ Mexicanos en España INE 2007
  30. ^ Investigación de la Migración Internacional en Latinoamérica (IMILA).
  31. ^ Bolivia - Censo de Población y Vivienda 2001
  32. ^ Statische Bundesamt Deutschland
  33. ^ Argentina - Población extrenjera residente en Argentina de 2000-2008
  34. ^; Mexicanos en Reino Unido
  35. ^ INED
  36. ^ Investigación de la Migración Internacional en Israel
  37. ^ Istat
  38. ^ INE
  39. ^ 2000 Housing and Population Census
  40. ^ Censo de Población y Vivienda 2000
  41. ^ Censo de Población y Vivienda 2000 - Jerarquía Censal
  42. ^ Colombia - Sistema de Consulta Información Censal (Censo 2005)
  43. ^ Mexicanos en países escandinavos
  44. ^ Chile - Censos Nacionales de Población y Vivienda 1992 y 2002
  45. ^ Censo Nacional de Población y Viviendas 2002
  46. ^ Asociación Mexicana en Japón.
  47. ^ a b II Conteo de población y vivienda 2005
  48. ^ a b CONAPO Áreas Metropolitanas
  49. ^ a b Síntesis de resultados 2005
  50. ^ Volumen y porcentaje de la población según profese alguna religión y tipo de religión, 1895 a 2010
  51. ^ Church attendance in Latin America
  52. ^ a b Población de 5 años y más por entidad federativa, sexo y religión y su distribución según grupos quinquenales de edad.
  53. ^ Tasa de crecimiento media anual de la población según credo religioso para cada período decenal, 1950 a 2000
  54. ^ Tasa de crecimiento media anual de la población, 1950 a 2005
  55. ^ Constitución Nacional de la República Argentina
  56. ^ Wade, Peter. 1997. Race and Ethnicity in Latin America. Pluto Press.
  57. ^ Knight, Alan. 1990. "Racism, Revolution and indigenismo: Mexico 1910–1940". Chapter 4 in The Idea of Race in Latin America, 1870–1940. Richard Graham (ed.) pp.  pp. 78-85)
  58. ^ Bartolomé, Miguel Alberto. (1996) "Pluralismo cultural y redefinicion del estado en México". in Coloquio sobre derechos indígenas, Oaxaca, IOC.[1] p.5)
  59. ^ Bartolomé, Miguel Alberto. (1996) "Pluralismo cultural y redefinicion del estado en México". in Coloquio sobre derechos indígenas, Oaxaca, IOC.[2] p. 2)
  60. ^ Wade (1997:44-47)
  61. ^ Knight (1990:75)
  62. ^ Friedlander, Judith. 1975. Being Indian in Hueyapan: A Study of Forced Identity in Contemporary Mexico. New York: Saint Martin's Press.
  63. ^ Bartolomé, Miguel Alberto. (1996) "Pluralismo cultural y redefinicion del estado en México". in Coloquio sobre derechos indígenas, Oaxaca, IOC.[3] p. 5)
  64. ^ Knight, Alan. 1990. "Racism, Revolution and indigenismo: Mexico 1910–1940". Chapter 4 in The Idea of Race in Latin America, 1870–1940. Richard Graham (ed.) pp.  pp.73-74)
  65. ^ Bartolomé, Miguel Alberto. (1996) "Pluralismo cultural y redefinicion del estado en México". in Coloquio sobre derechos indígenas, Oaxaca, IOC.[4] pp. 3-4)
  66. ^,
  68. ^ CDI
  69. ^ a b Los Extranjeros en México, La inmigración y el gobierno ¿Tolerancia o intolerancia religiosa?
  70. ^ Refugiados españoles en México
  71. ^ Nexos entre los cripto-judios coloniales y contemporáneos
  72. ^ Menonitas en México
  73. ^ El dialecto veneto de Chipilo
  74. ^
  75. ^
  76. ^ a b Artículo 30. Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos.

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